This is a compensated review by BlogHer and Intel.
As I mentioned previously, I was recently given the opportunity to participate in a BlogHer review program under the title "Do More, Faster." I said yes because, hello! Doing more? Doing it faster? Now that's the way to speak to a workaholic's heart.
By the way, Girlfriday and I joke — and by "joke" I mean laugh uneasily at how very much it isn't actually a joke — about our Workaholia: both a place AND a mental condition!
What the review entailed was assessing a laptop computer powered with the Intel Core™ i5 processor with its Intel® Turbo Boost Technology, and an Intel® Wireless Display (WiDi) adaptor that would use my HDTV as a monitor.
Or, in layman's terms: A spiffy new laptop computer with a speedy processor and the ability to watch stuff from my computer, wirelessly, on my much larger television.

This was a well-timed opportunity for me, for two reasons: First, I'd been in the market for a new laptop. Second, I've been doing a lot of traveling lately, which always makes it difficult to keep Dramabeans going because it's just that much slower and clunkier working away from home on a setup that is less than optimized for prime working conditions. I mentioned the workaholia, right?
The computer I was provided was a laptop furnished with an Intel® i5™ processor. Basically, what makes this different from, say, the laptop I've been using whenever I'm on the road is that it reportedly boasts twice the processing power of other computers, thereby speeding up performance and saving me time.
Did it live up to that promise? I can't put a mathematical number to it, but yes, it was much faster, and yes, it was noticeable.
One thing I hate doing when away from home is recapping. Watching a 1.5 GB video on a small screen while writing notes, taking screencaps, and working with blogging software is just not that pleasant on my laptop, which by the way is a fine notebook and not some ancient relic from Ye Olde Days of Computing Yore, or as you might know them, the days before the members of FT Island were born. But my old laptop IS slower than my desktop, and it's frustrating to know that a task is taking 20% longer than it would on a different machine.
(I give the figure 20% from personal experience: For two miserable weeks last summer, my desktop computer died and I had to get by using borrowed goods, and I found that the exact same work took about 20% longer than normal, purely because the computer I was using was less powerful than the one that had died. Yeah, that sucked and I'm never doing that again.) So to be able to cut that lag down was highly appreciated.

But processor speed aside, by far my favorite aspect of this machine is the capacity to hook it up, wirelessly, to my television. (As you can see above.) As I'm sure some of you know, watching dramas on a computer screen is a much different experience than watching it on a television screen.
The Intel® Core™ i5 processor supports Wireless Display, or WiDi. I hooked up an adapter to the TV, and when I turned on my computer's WiDi feature, the two were instantly connected. With this feature, after downloading a file to my laptop, I can watch on my television with a button click. And with subtitles, if I wanted.
No, this is beyond awesome. All of a sudden, I was able to burn through so many more dramas than I'd normally have time for, because I could set them to play on my television, then go about my other work as it played in the background. As a K-drama blogger, I feel an obligation to watch things that I normally wouldn't bother watching, and to be up-to-date on what's going on even if it's a show I'm not recapping. But on the other side of that coin, I don't have unlimited time in which to watch stuff I'm not really into. So the WiDi feature is a huge timesaver for me, because I can watch something without it taking up all my computer screen space as I work on something else.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that I can actually already watch K-drama files on my TV using a different constellation of gadgetry. Example: I can do this via my Blu-Ray DVD player with Netflix capability, because that player can also connect to my computer's hard drive and perform a similar function.
However, I will note that this WiDi technology yields better results: The Blu-Ray/Netflix setup works most of the time, but sometimes the connection cuts out mid-episode, or there's a lag interrupting playback. This sucks because it doesn't remember where I left off, then I have to fast-forward to get back to where I was before it cut out.
The WiDi reads off my laptop, so I can skip backward and forward easily. And, to my surprise, the picture quality is noticeably sharper — I don't know why, I tried playing the same episodes on both setups and it's a much clearer picture — which is a nice bonus.

Last but not least, this is a nifty feature for working on team projects. Rather than huddling around one computer screen, I was able to work on my laptop and have the screen show on my television, enabling me and others to see the same picture as I typed in Word. (Pictured above: My computer screen, open to Dramabeans, pictured on my TV.) You can accomplish this via VGA or HDMI cable hookup so this functionality isn't exclusive to the WiDi, and in fact that's what I have done in the past.
There are two key advantages with this setup, though: First, it's wireless. Second, it plays sound! When using VGA or HDMI cables, you only get the image on your TV screen, which means that if I wanted to show a Youtube video to other people, we'd get to see, but not hear, it. No such problem here.
To win a $250 Best Buy gift card: Leave a comment below explaining what you'd like to do faster, given the possibility. Me? I wish I could watch dramas faster — to somehow compress all that comprehension into less than that full hour. For now, I'll settle for writing 'em up faster.
To enter for a chance to win 1 of 4 laptops being given away by BlogHer: Leave a comment at this exclusive offers page.
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You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
- Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
- Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
- Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
- Read the official rules for alternate form of entry.
Sweepstakes ends 5 PM PST on December 22, 2010.
This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older.
Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail.
You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
I would like to do my homework faster, so I can have more time to watch kdramas!
ReplyDeleteI would like to stream videos faster so i can watch dramas uninterrupted by loading videos!!!
ReplyDeleteI would like to read faster, not only would I get to read everything I want or need to in my semi-crazy life as a college student stuck between finals, I would also be able to drool over hot korean men in tight clothes (or nothing at all)
ReplyDeleteI would love to write novels faster, so then i can have more time to surf the web for more kpop/kdrama/korean in!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could finish school work faster so I can get right on watching my backlog of k&jdramas!
ReplyDeleteWow, the WiDi feature sounds absolutely awesome!
ReplyDeleteI would love to be able to watch TV shows faster. I watch a lot of TV shows and I just don't have enough time to stay caught up with all of them!
I'm not from the States, but wanted to comment! :)
ReplyDeleteLike any other student, I'd like to do my tasks faster, so I can spend more time on my hobbies, writing and watching k dramas! Plus, an I5 core processor will be like a God Send when compared to the older versions when I have to run 3DsMax or Auto Cad so life will be a lot easier when I'm making animations and 3 Dimensional Models for work! Plus, while waiting for my renders to finish, alternately working on Live Brush and Photo-shop making graphics would brighten my day! ^_^
I would like to run several programs and instances of the internet browser simultaneously faster and know that my processor can handle the load! That would really be awesome
ReplyDeleteI'd like to edit photos faster
ReplyDeletei'd love it if hulu & other video-type programs worked faster... watching dramas is probably a big one too ;)
ReplyDeleteI'd like to do anything faster than my current laptop. I'd also like to be able to move it from it's current position before it suddenly turns off on me. Also the whole bit about being able to connect to your tv wireless sounds pretty awesome. Really anything beats the current pc I have.
ReplyDelete~~~I wish I could study faster! So that I can have more time watching dramas and doing other things!!! lol
ReplyDeletei'd like to finish my schoolwork faster so i could watch my k/jdramas and shop more :)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be able to do everything faster! But computing wise, I guess I'd have to narrow it down to watching dramas, browsing the internet and photoshopping. It's especially time consuming for me to download all the resources I use in photoshop and then to organize them. There's also the time needed to watch dramas and then comb through the files to get what I want to work with in photoshop. Reading your review of the new processor and WiDi functions makes me really wish I had the money to buy a laptop with all these nice features along with a HD tv to hook it up with. You are one lucky gal.
ReplyDeleteI'm a rushed mom, a fervent writer, and K-drama lover. I've burned through 3 cord adapters of my present Toshiba and yes I could do with faster everything!
ReplyDeleteI also see the excitement in being able to watch K-drama from my computer onto the bigger screen. We can't watch some networks online through my husbands PS3. So faster + better = nice!
I'm a medical student by day and k-drama addict by night. In juggling my dual lifestyles, I can always do with more time so this spiffy new laptop would be a big help.
ReplyDeleteEver since I stumbled upon Dramabeans two years ago, I've fallen in love with kdramas to the extent that I watched them for 6 months (study abroad ;P) on a computer screen whose color schemes had screwed up - meaning that black became red, and everything else became an unbecoming shade of bright turquoise or maroon. I'd love a new computer to actually see what's going on in the shows!
ReplyDeleteI love speed! This is the time NOW to exploit what I love about speedy gadgets and gizmos. I like the Turbo Boost being forgiving to juice up its processor when I need some thrust after having several multi-tasking windows up. WiDi capability is an amazing source to escape all the down time transmitter alternatives. This notebook makes all complicated things boil down to simplicity, and this is how love grows fonder, I think. ^ , ^ v
ReplyDeleteI'm approaching Senior year in college and being able to do my homework faster, opening and loading multiple windows, means more me-time with korean dramas!
ReplyDeleteI am a financially-troubled college student with lots of diverse interests (including kdramas!). I would like to be able to absorb new information faster so I can devote more time to other fun things besides studying!
if i could do something faster it would be clean and organize my room. It always takes me so long because I end up going through old pictures and notes and end up reminiscing and not cleaning.
ReplyDeleteBeing fast and efficient is my life, not to mention my fervent obsession with computers. The i5 processor is just HEAVENLY. i5 is even beyond what I've begged my parents for (I asked for an i3), since I am unemployed and making small cash out of the bedroom. No, not what you're thinking of. I blog for a few bucks, translate as much about Korean entertainment I can in the time I have between volunteering my life away and rejuvenating my cells by sleeping.
ReplyDeleteMy lovely Toshiba has served me well. It came with a static problem in the left sound speaker that can't be erased even with headphones. Still, I loved it and cared for it. When it became so old it didn't know what day or time it was, I didn't put it to sleep in the good o' closet. I pushed on and rubbed magic beans on it to speed it up. Sadly, magic beans only went so far, since the Intel Celeron processor was gaining age fast. At that time I was lusting over the Pentium 4, but it's been a long time since then.
I don't want to be bound by limits. I want to excel and be as fast as the Flash. I'll blog at lightning speed, design graphics at the snap of a finger, program mobile apps like a speeding bullet, fix other computers with the incredible remote access, etc etc. Maybe I'm a little too passionate about computers. With the i5, we can do great things, solve the mysteries of the universe, and above all else, make kpop fans rest in peace after a day of good reading.
I don't feel like I can explain the full potential of what the Intel processors mean to me. I'm never great at explaining things, but my heart burns for computers. If only I can be uploaded into a computer and live forever as an android (har har Tron & Big Bang Theory). With an Intel processor built in of course ;P
P.S. I'd love to dip into Starcraft II. The Koreanwashed being in me refuses to rest until I battle all day and all night.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLove to have a new computer because I share my 9 year old Sony Vaio with my husband. Both of us are retired, and we have discovered Kdramas. We are constantly fighting for time usage over this computer. Its old,takes forever to boot up, and the downloading speed is horribly slow! One of these days it is going to crash and burn.I have 3 kids going to college, so getting a new computer is last on our agenda.I'm growing older by the minute waiting for my Kdramas to load.
ReplyDeleteThe first thing I would do would be to download the viikii desktop plugin and go watch some dramas faster; it takes for ever to load on the computer I have now.
ReplyDeleteA fast laptop can make me shop and watch so much faster than ever, which is so awesome ^_^
ReplyDeleteI wish I could open as many windows as I could and still be able to use ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, ILLUSTRATOR, & INDESIGN (w/out them ever being slow). My life as a designer would be more FUN!
ReplyDeleteI'm a journalist and a Kdrama addict so needless to say I'm constantly on my computer and I'd love the internet to be faster.
ReplyDeleteInternet connections in my part of the world (ie Ireland) are still incredibly slow... we're years behind other European countries (including Portugal)and even further behind Japan and Korea...
I wish I could sleep faster haha xD Weird right? If only an hour of sleep would equal 8 hours, then I would be getting a good amount of sleep and use the 23 hours of my day doing other things like watching dramas, studying, working haha xD That would be super duper nice. xP
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would love to absorb information faster!!! Failing that, I'd love to be able to surf the web faster so that I can apply online to more jobs more quickly, and easily write up cover letters and application essays at the same time. And then have more time to discover new Korean dramas and music :)
ReplyDeleteLink to tweet:!/NapsInStereo/status/9353089291124737
The WiDi is a cool feature, but it'd be cool if I could have the drama play on TV from the laptop while I did something else on the laptop...kind of like a dual-screen deal? That way, you could watch the drama on TV while you did your note-taking. Although I don't know if you could still screencapture the TV screen.
ReplyDeletebeing able to use WiDi on my HDTV would be so freaken awesome. not only would kdramas be streaming like crazy, but i could watch all my American TV shows that i've missed watching on air, on TV instead of my laptop! how freaken cool!!!
ReplyDeleteFaster to watch drama and go to sleep dreaming about how i can watch more dramas without the waiting for the computer to slowly download my favorite dramas.
ReplyDeleteI would watch dramas all day, every day, and use the added speed to spread my love and admiration across the web at a brisker pace. Because everyone knows that dramas make people happy... and happy people make for a happy world.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could sleep faster. If I don't get a full seven or eight hours, I'm useless the next day. If I could sleep for one or two hours and be completely refreshed, I feel like I could accomplish so much more! (Have more time to watch dramas, rather than just read about them...)
ReplyDeleteI would like to stream videos faster, that's one thing that keeps me going everyday, and what's frustrating is that I'm forced to wait for my computer to load slowly.
ReplyDeleteI would like to load dramas faster so I can sub them for my friends
ReplyDeleteI'm a first year grad student trying to get by on an older laptop. I need my laptop to be faster for research and endless writing of papers. I am also a kdrama addict and need my laptop to run faster so that I can get back to studying.
ReplyDeleteI would love everything to be faster of course that is not possible.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing I would want right now is for my computer to load fast and open programs fast. I always hate it when I have to wait for each to load. Especially if you use photoshop, omg! it slows the computer down so much!
I would like to download dramas faster. The only fastest thing I can get is downloading dramas via torrents! (Up to 1.6 MB?! WOW!!!-- Who am I kidding. That ain't fast enough.)
ReplyDeleteBut yeah. I wish I had amazing ultra fast internet (like they have it in Korea :( ).
As a fourth grade teacher, I spend lots of time searching and faster is way mo better!
ReplyDeleteI would love to connect with my closest friends overseas faster!
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to finish my Master's degree faster!! ^_^;
ReplyDeleteI would love to do homework faster, stream/download kdramas and music faster, and more!
ReplyDeleteI would like to watch kdramas on my TV instead of my tiny computer screen--and to do it without any pesky wires.
ReplyDeleteAhhhhhh yay!!!! My laptop doesn't charge anymore so any accidental unplugging of the adapter means my life gets ruined! And this eing a repeated cycle. I would love love love love love to win and finally get all of my college work out of the way so I can go back to finishing my kdramas!
ReplyDeleteI want the laptop!
ReplyDeleteStream video faster would be my dream
I would love the get the work week done faster, get it over with.
What I would like to be faster is probably the streaming but other than that, I am pretty content with my laptop. Of course, if they update the Movie Maker, than it'd be great, too. I make fanvideos and sometimes, adding a video into the 'storyline' takes awhile especially if the file is large. Not only that, depending on the program you use, rendering takes awhile, too.
ReplyDeleteAlso, here is my TWEET:
I'd like word to run faster and more smoothly. With that said, after homework, watching a video faster is an added bonus! Faster homework -> easier k-drama watching ^-^
ReplyDeleteI would like to think faster so that I keep up with everything.
ReplyDeleteI would like to work faster: email, chat, type documets, review plans, send memos.
ReplyDeletelike most people have said, i'd like to work faster, both homework & chores & things - more time for dramas!
ReplyDeleteforgot contact info: m-leungatlivedotcom
ReplyDeletei would love to process pictures faster in photoshop
ReplyDeletei'd love to work faster so i can have more time in the day to do other things like kdramas, cooking and going to the gym
ReplyDeleteI would love to have faster upload and download of work files from my company's ftp site, faster video streaming of my kdramas and my movies from Netflix. I multitask all the time, so faster means more time to do other stuff...
ReplyDeleteI NEED to work faster at getting all those 1000's of digital pics I have taken organized and utilized faster...I could download my Creative Memories software and work away!!!
ReplyDeletei would love to be able to speed up my comprehension level..but since i am not a computer or any kind of machine..i think i would just increase the amount of music i can listen to and javabeans and girlfriday podcasts by buying a new ipod!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be able to download picture faster. Other than that, how about speed cleaning my house? That would be cool!
There are so many things I want to do faster, but I think the one ability I would like to have is to read and absorb faster so I can make the most of studying.
ReplyDeleteI would like to travel to any places faster because traffic is a bane of my existence. Computer wise, I would like to be able to do anything and everything faster since with my lappie right now, it takes me about 5 mins to just turn it on and connect to the internet =/
ReplyDeleteI could chat with my sister in Florence faster. My slow and sluggish computer often crashes. My computer doesn't have the processing power for skpe apparently..
ReplyDeleteI’m the same person as dreamgazer1985 (which is what I used for the other entry in this contest). This is where I blog about the contest.
I’m not sure if we need to put our email on here or not but I’ll just do it anyway.
I would like to change diapers faster.
I would love to steam k-dramas faster... my current setup carries way to much lag time.
ReplyDeleteI would like to stream k-dramas faster!
ReplyDeleteI have to wait too long because it lags so much!
I would like to learn how to speak Korean faster so that I can watch Kdramas as soon as they are out! Its so difficult to try and learn Korean when I dont have a tutor. Have any tips, let me know!
ReplyDeleteI would love to view videos faster - it drives me nuts to see little spinning dials rather than a speedy streaming story or song on my dying little laptop.
ReplyDeleteI'm crazy for having multiple applications open at once - I guess I expect a lot from a computer! I want to be able to maintain a trusty database for my customers/contacts, and honestly blog!
ReplyDeletebeing able to be where my children are at all times and be on my computer would be awesome!!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to surf the web faster. My computer is so slow when I have too many applications open.
ReplyDeleteWhat I'd love to do is actually have a system that can handle the number of programs my brain focuses on.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to be able to stream games while I have school documents up and having kdramas dlding in the background without having to decide what I want/need to do more.
I wish I could do everything on my computer faster! I have the same computer that I got as a high school graduation gift in 2004. It'so slow and constantly freezing up. It makes it impossible to surf the web, type assignments, pay bills online, etc.
stream and surf faster and be able to work on multiple projects at the same time
ReplyDeletetbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
If given the possibility, I'd love to download dramas faster and watch them faster.
ReplyDeleteWish I could fall asleep faster. When I really need to sleep early I have to resort to my prescription sleeping pills. I only take it on rare occasions though (i.e., out of town for a meeting).
If i could do anything faster, it would be to learn and understand. That way, I can do well in school and at work without worrying so much. Then, I would be more efficient while doing things and also manage my time better. I would be able to learn languages better and not have to wait for subs. :)
Love to edit faster! I'm a writer and sometimes its so hard to proofread your own stuff it takes forever!
ReplyDeleteWiDi? Soo snazzy! Seriously what will they think if next? Or more specifically what won't they think of next?
ReplyDeleteI wish I could hurry up and finish my degree off, faster lol
oh and meet someone worth settling with, faster.. Lol preferably the latter but the formers good too..haha
I’d love to surf the web faster....I get so tired of waiting for pages to load sometimes!
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of being to work faster! As an interior designer, I am always researching products & ideas for projects & with the ability to reference pages faster allows me to get more work done! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! Happy Holidays!
ReplyDeleteI would like to WRITE faster! Maybe then I would have won NaNoWriMo instead of slogging it through the last 25,000 words long after everyone else is done and being awesome.
ReplyDeleteI would love tobe able to edit photos faster and surf the web faster, too. Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow! I would probably blog faster!!! Upload faster!
ReplyDeleteI wanna win! I have a 10 pound Gateway that needs replacing!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could learn faster. I wish there was a brain plug-in which would allow me to absorb information at lightning speed!
ReplyDeleteI would like to subtitle Korean dramas faster...
Faster would be great for all things large and small.
ReplyDeleteI want to multi-task faster. Give me speed on the web when I'm working on graphics.
ReplyDeleteI would like everything done faster than my old pc does.
I would like to sleep faster and give myself time to enjoy the outdoors all day
I would like my computer to be faster so that I can have more than one application running at the same time! It's hard to watch dramas when I can't keep my computer on for more than a few minutes at a time :(
ReplyDeleteI wish I could run faster! Right at an 11 min mile now, wanting to hit a 9 min mile!!
ReplyDeleteOh wow! I love it!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could memorize faster so I'd have more time for k-dramas!
ReplyDeleteThe convienience of being able to be in any room or even outside and be on line has me screaming.
ReplyDeleteI would looooooooove to win a laptop.
Thank you for the opportunity!
Hugs, Dolly
I tweeted....
ReplyDeleteand am reading about how awesome these laptops are. I am amazed.
I guess I have been living in the stone ages with this antique computer! :-)
Smiles, Dolly
My laptop broke last month. I need a new one soon. I'm currently using an old laptop and it's SLOW!
ReplyDeleteNice laptop. Great giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to study faster and graduate faster so that I can see my family back home in Vietnam
ReplyDeleteI'd love to do housework faster!!
ReplyDeleteI would like to return back to school, so this would help me attain my goal. I hope I win!
ReplyDeleteStream video faster
ReplyDeleteI tweeted!!/chelsealeming
ReplyDeleteI wish I could get to and from work faster!
ReplyDeleteI wish that I could read and comprehend faster. A good book doesn't get put down until the end which makes for a lot of sleepless nights.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could drive faster. I mean I drive the speed limit, but I wish it didn't take so long to get my kids to all their activities. Some nights all I do is drive the kids around.
ReplyDeleteajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I tweeted
I would like to read textbooks faster so I don't have to spend all my time struggling through long, dense, boring books.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have a laptop with the Intel Core i5 processor with its Intel Turbo Boost Technology, and an Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) adaptor that would use my HDTV as a monitor. This would enable me to watch all my favorite Korean dramas on my big TV instead of my tiny laptop screen. Also with the the turbo boost processor I can watch the dramas without those annoying pauses while it loads.
ReplyDeleteBlog about it here:
I am in the market for a laptop. My computer no longer has sound TT and it is a VISTA issue. What I want from my laptop is to continue being able to watch Kdramas, listen to Asian music, blog, and learning Korean with my online lessons without have having all the annoying stops/gaps that I suffer through now.
ReplyDeleteMe again, sorry I forgot to add my email:
This computer so far is looking good and I am seriously considering it.
I would love to get through all of the blogs I read faster; also do my banking faster etc... Thanks for the chance!
I would like to finish school studies faster -- while getting everything into my brain -- so I have more time to watch dramas and go online shopping. :)
ReplyDeletei would like to fold and put away the laundry faster, as we have a cat who will pee on it otherwise
ReplyDeleteI would be able to use my graphics software! I hate having a slow computer, and since I'm a designer, I have a lot of windows open and alot of applications running. I think the intel would help so much!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to be able to lesson plan faster! Too many programs open = slow computer.
ReplyDeletetford611 (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd love to be able to have more than one tab up at a time :) Love watching dramas, but I hate having to wait for them to load. That and the pictures on my crafting that site but dread the delay of pictures loading.
ReplyDeleteI have a computer that overheats several times a day and takes to download anything. I'd like to watch videos faster, update my blog faster, post pictures to Facebook faster, etc. I think I've learned enough patience for this year!
would love to win!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be able to have a computer that can handle multiple applications at once. Mine often close when I'm working on something important, especially if it's a program like InDesign.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could do housework faster! Wish the computer could help with that. :)
ReplyDeleteI'd like to cook faster. I hate waiting to eat.
ReplyDeleteI want to do school work faster so I can watch more kdramas! Faster streaming to watch the kdramas too!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could cook food faster that way I can have more time to watch Kdramas. I cook dinner everyday for my family, but it takes me so long to do all the chopping and then stand over the stove to put it all together. To keep me from boredom, I prop my laptop on a high bar stool and watch Korean dramas while I cook and wash the dishes. :-)
ReplyDeletei wish i could clean the kitchen dishwasher is defunct and i cannot believe how long it took to do tday dishes!
ReplyDeletetattgiff at centurytel dot net
I want to finish my homework faster so I can have more time to help my daughter with her homework!! LOL Being able to link for TV viewing would be great too since I end up in the kitchen watching pots or prepping to cook since I cook most of our meals from scratch.
ReplyDeleteI tweeted.
I would love to be able to blog!!!
I would like to watch stuffs online while doing work work without my computer crawling.
ReplyDeleteI would like to be able to organize/edit my digital pictures faster so I have more time to take pictures of making new memories!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to be able to do anything on my computer. Mine is so old and moves at a snail's pace. If you try to open too much the whole thing locks up. It's really bad.
ReplyDeleteI would love to edit photos faster w/o my computer locking up and shutting down the program.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to watch all my reality TV shows in WAY less than an hour.
ReplyDeleteMy old laptop takes forever to boot up. I need one that starts up instantly and loads web pages faster.
i would like to lose weight faster
ReplyDeleteI would like to graduate faster from college! With two kids, a husband, parents, work and home, I would like homework to be done the fastest so I have more time for the other things and move onto grad school too before my kids do before me.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to be able type up my homework paper while encoding subs, splitting video files, uploading and download to the internet without lag.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to have a laptop that can keep up with my life. Homeschooling 4 kids, tons of photos to edit and organize, small business to run, and wanting to watch movies in bed with the hubby.
ReplyDeleteI would love to have my posts up faster so my kiddos don't delete them! My internet is slow!
ReplyDeleteTricia at Mom is the Only Girl (you can reach me via e-mail there!)
I'd edit my photos faster. These people have been waiting a while. :/
ReplyDeleteI'd like to be able to edit videos faster, I could produce a lot more if they didn't take so long to edit! I can't even view them as I edit them so have to guess at transitions because my computer can't keep up.
ReplyDeleteid like to download home videos and movies faster. the slowness stinks!
ReplyDelete*email in profile*
I would like to be able to get my homework done quicker for online classes I'm taking
Any of the features would be helpful to me. I am running on a dinasour. She is a good computer and really has served me well and I could not imagine what I would do with something faster. Blow me away!
ReplyDeletegmissycat at yahoo dot com
Tweeted here too!
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
i would not know how to act with a fast computer
Since I spend the majority of my time on the computer (health, recipes, job, research, email), I could do everything faster and have more time to garden, ground out the EMF, and be outdoors!
ReplyDeleteI so wish I could read faster. I would love to read four or five books a day. I just love to learn everyday!
I wish I could clean faster so I could have move time to do what I want.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could clean house faster so that I could have more time to spend with family.
ReplyDeleterhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
What I'd really love to do is clean my house faster. It seems like the older I get, the housework takes longer and longer. It would be a miracle to achieve getting all the housework quicker!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much.
I tweeted:
Thanks again
I have two blogs - editing and uploading photos faster would really help my life!
ReplyDeletebarbarashallue at yahoo dot com
I would like to have a bunch of windows open at one time and not have it slow down and be able to download faster. This one I have is old and slow so everything about a new one would make me happy
ReplyDeleteMe. I wish I could heal from surgery faster. It is so unpleasant and takes so long.
ReplyDeleteScott Martin
I wish I could study faster. It would help me get through school.
ReplyDeletecharisscharity at yahoo dot com
I tweeted the giveaway.
charisscharity at yahoo dot com
If I could exercise faster and get the same results, I would love that!
ReplyDeleteprizeentry @ wesharewithyou dot com
I would like to get through this awful cancer treatment and isolation faster!
ReplyDeletetvollowitz at aol dot com
I'd love to produce music faster.
my desktop is 5yrs old slow going at times i would like to get my inline work done faster
ReplyDeleteI would love to read books faster
ReplyDeleteI would love to download songs and movies faster
ReplyDeleteIt's an hrs drive to my daughter's house and so I wish I could drive there faster but there is that thing known as speed limit.
ReplyDeleteDove056 at aol dot com
Tweet -
ReplyDeleteDove056 at aol dot com
I want to do everything faster but I'd settle for faster computer time, although a house keeper might be the best option. The faster computer time is the one most likely to happen so i'll stick with that
ReplyDelete tweeted
ReplyDelete2ND ENTRY TWEET!/kytah00/status/11155978351280128
ReplyDeleteI'd like to have my computer run faster.
ReplyDeleteceriehl at gmail dot com
I would love to analyze my research data faster so that I can have more time watching dramas and reading drama recaps.
ReplyDeletebpmaliao at gmail dot com
I'd like to drive faster, I guess as in no speed limit but just as safely. I mainly just wish I could get places faster without spending so much time driving, so maybe what I'm really looking for is some sort of instant human transporter.
ReplyDeleteI would love to watch classic movies and classic TV shows faster. There are so many shows that I like to watch that I don't have time to watch them and get my work done. LPoser1 [at] gmail [dot] com
ReplyDeleteClean house faster!
ReplyDeleteI would like to be able to clean faster ...topgun34er(at)hotmail(dot)com
ReplyDeleteMy computer is incredibly slow, no matter WHAT I do, even loading Facebook and email, so speed would be amazing!
ReplyDeleteI am dreaming of being able to use a computer with a faster processor! The other nite my granddaughter asked, over the phone, if I would upload a page she was viewing... 3-4 minutes later, mine uploaded... it is sooo frustrating. I work from bed much of the time, due to fighting life threatening illness, so having a computer that I can soar through would be a dream come tru!
ReplyDeletecathy b
pbprojecthope at yahoo dot com
I entered the alternate entry form!
ReplyDeletecathy b
pbprojecthope co yahoo dot com
I'd love to be able to do my photo editing faster. I always end up needing many different applications to do different things, and my computer just isn't up to it anymore.
ReplyDeletechainmail(at) iwon(dot) com
I tweeted
would like to have my pages load faster I work at home and would like to be able to be mobile. use 20 plus pages open at a time so fast spped ins the key.
ReplyDeleteI would like to make time go faster so that my husband who is deployed would be home faster. After that, time can go back to normal or even slow down a bit :) Thank you for the great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI tweeted
ReplyDeleteI'd like to surf the web and download programs faster.
I wish I could multi-task effectively. I don't know how my wife does it!
ReplyDeletepauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
ReplyDeletepauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com